Saturday, March 20, 2010

How I would use my Apple iPad

Don't know what I'm talking about check out the site, I could seriously win an iPad which could be sweet! You could also win, just click that link to find more details!


If I could win the iPad, I would be shocked!
I'm in my first year of college and this little iPad could truly make my life so unbelievably easy. It has everything I've been looking for!

I have to come clean, I'm terrible with dates. I also have a weakness for the simple and fast setup the iPad runs. With that in mind I believe that it wouldn't even take me a second just to add dates of projects that are due for my class, and have it remind me.

Additionally, I’m an artist; I have lots of art and photography I would LOVE to show to friends, teachers, or even a job interviewer in the future. The iPad could hold all of my drawings that can be a huge hassle to attempt to carry.
Plus, they’re the times where you’re with someone and you don't have those huge artwork pieces with you, but if I had them already on the iPad it would be soooo much more convenient!
Even if it could read SD cards I could show want I've taken with a camera on a much larger screen so no one has to push to view a photo ever again!

I'm also a vlogger and blogger. My family and friends love to see what I'm doing daily and since I don't always have the time to view my blogs, having the iPad could be a very simple check and blog about events wherever. It would really help me keep up to date and have my family know that I'm still alive at college!

Now, there are times where I like to relax and play games, use applications, listen to tunes or use facebook. I would use the iPad for this cause every now and then it great to have portable entertainment. Let it be waiting for class, sitting in a train, or sitting quietly in your room. Having the iPad would be something quick and fun to have for entertainment. I would even use the ibook feature to read more books!

They're also times where I move around a lot from being in college, and visiting friends and family, to trips to far places, and it challenging. It's a struggle to bring a computer with you back and forth. This would totally take the pain away from doing this every time, it would also take up less space than bringing an mp3 player, laptop, game device, etc.

I really do hope I can win an iPad, if not I will definitely keep it in mind. It looks like it could be very handy in the near future for my college experience!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Warm Fall

So, I got through another week of college!
I'm VERY grateful for having no 2D class though, just between you and me, it not my favorite class, and it not because of the subject. Its more to do with the fact that there could be some awesome things we can do in that class.
But the teacher we have doesn't seem to understand that too much, which really sucks.
Although we didn't have class I DID still get my project done, so in the long run I got to stay up late-ish and work on the project for nothing, except a small break.
But that small break was worth it alright, I was finally able to do other task finally like fix my bike up and clean my room up a bit. Plus draw outside! :D
Thank goodness for no class, not sure why yet but it made my day much more relaxing!

It has been very beautiful outside it's so amazing to just sit out there and think, what happen to the cold and snow that was here just last week :P
I love snow, but I'm also really loving this weather it the kind that mixes with fall weather, cold but yet warm enough to be comfortable. But I guess people today just call it Spring now huh? LOVE IT!

Went home for this weekend, not doing much here except finishing an essay for my intro to cinema class. Maybe see if my friend are around from highschool and chill with them, since they have March break while me it was finish after the first week of March.

Which reminds me!
I handed in my portfolio, not results yet. They usually come by near the end of March so this should be interesting to see if I got in this year or not... lets hope it the more positive answer. >.<

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I'm giving this a shot, but with my own experiances I've never like these.

I have made my own small custom toolbar with everything CartoonDude related, I even put in things where you can chat to me in person if I'm around ,since it on the browers I should be.
Even if I'm not there you can even send me a message and I should see that right away also, this includes you awesome viewers too.

Were all in this together... wow bad qoute huh?

There some other simple things such as Search Engine, some of my Other Sites, plus a place to check you other emails such as msn, yahoo, etc. Plus a neat little radio, I put one dance channel in there, but not sure if anyone else will that also. Let me know if you do anyone.
You can also put whatever else on too if you hate dance.

Heres a download link if ya want it

I also going to put a counter of how many people download it to see how well this experiment goes, come' on give it a shot! :D

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