Monday, August 22, 2011

Hello Viewers for 2011

Welcome to the new and improve CartoonistDude blog!

I'll try and post CartoonistDude related subjects here, but since Facebook or Tumblr is a much easier process it hard to always remember to post new things.
However, I've try to set up this blog so it easier to find all of my pages instead of linking every single new social site when directing you guys on my youtube channel.

However I am planning to open a tumblr account since its easier to link to facebook or twitter.
But this blog has history so I might as well make it a little useful for others who use blogger!

So to give a quick tour of the blog, I have the important links right at the top on the left, a little more below you see my facebook and twitter, as well as my clothing collection.

I hope the update was a bit worth it and made it much easier to find my other pages.

Check ya viewers on my next updated!