Friday, June 11, 2010

The "REAL" Jude Lizowski

He left his video response, check it out! CLICK ME!


Anyways, anyone who has know me in person or on the web long enough will know that I'm a huge 6teen fan... apart from my Sonic fandomness.
So I'm done crazy things for the show, If you look at my dA ID I'm dress up as Jude, for no real reason. Besides having the blonde hair at the time.

In the past before there was even the forums I use to post stuff on daily, once was up though it didn't stop then. Then highschool came and slow it down, but not by much.... grade 11 and 12 were worse

Now that its over... and I'm in college... 6teen is a bit slower thing to talk about, until today!!!

While back I did a vlog and I dress up as Jude and everything, like as you see in my ID picture, BUT with my dirty blonde hair.
I was trying to give the voice of Jude, Christian Potenza, a helping hand with getting more views/subs (lol like he really needs it, hes an awesome voice actor!)

He notice my video and then sent me message about how he actually lives right near me, almost neighbours you can say XP
So he wanted to do a little experiment... TURN ME INTO A REAL LIFE JUDE LIZOWSKI!

He going to teach me how to speak like Jude, and the possibly to even talk to the other voice actor from 6teen/Total Drama
He going to teach me how to skateboard, since my level is 0... yet I have a skateboard because of 6teen when I was 13 :P
Also, going to show me how to walk and be in the mind of Jude!

In the end at this moment, he hopes to have me appear after Total Drama World Tour in September and make an appearance...

So this is all very exciting... out of all odd this happens!
Ever since I watch 6teen and knew about Christian I wanted to meet him so badly and now I'm going to be hanging out with him!

We have done a first shoot already, but it might not be up for a while. You can always check his channel here and see his other stuff :
He's actually holding a contest right now to, so it could be something interesting to check out!

He did however tell me that he would try and reply back to one of my vlogs with a preview of what happen during the shoot... I'll have to admit, I could have done better... but that what this whole summer is going to be for... making me into the best Jude EVAR!

My Newest Vlog is here:
I talk about most of this stuff plus more of what happen, plus see what happening to my skateboard....

Which reminds me, anybody know any good names for a Skateboard or Bike? heh

-I sorry if things sound confusing in this journal, I'm way to excited for this summer now! Writing may suck worse then usual-


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